I thought it would be great to start making fashion related posts so let's go...
I didn't do much today other than going into town helping my mum do some transfers while she was working and I also picked up some makeup at Superdrug which I will review in a different post *__*
Anyways onto the outfit this is a picture of what I wore:
From head to toe kekeke ~☆ here is a list:
New Era: Chicago Bulls Black Snapback
Primark: Chicago Wolves Varsity Top
Primark: Plain black hoodie
Primark: Light blue overalls thingy lool
Argyle patterned blue and black socks (No idea where I bought it)
Airwalk: Black Skate shoes
Now time for my makeup:~
If you watch my YouTube videos, you know i have done quite a few ulzzang makeup tutorials this year but i just recently changed my makeup again. Theres not much difference other than me changing the shape of my eyeliner and wearing brown eyeliner on my lower lash line lol

Well that's it for today's post I hope you liked it & If you want more posts like this please comment below I love to get feedback so I better myself ♥
Cya Bunnies / (=∵=)\